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Privilege categories

Privileges fall into three main categories:

  • Faculty
  • SP 
  • Learner

Learner and SP privileges belong in the learner and SP categories, respectively. All the other privileges which are neither learner nor SP are categorized as Faculty.

User groups are categorized as well, according to these three categories. 

The category of a user group is determined by the most common type of privilege in the group:

Faculty: most of the group members are users with faculty privileges.

SP: most of the group members are users with SP privilege.

Learner: most of the group members are users with Learner privilege.

Admin privileges

AdminAccess to every feature, without any restrictions.
(info) Only Admin (or Report reviewer (full control)) privilege users can add titles to recordings.
System ManagerAccess is limited to the System module, including all the tabs and settings.
Room ManagerAccess only to the Rooms tab of the System Management module through Classic view. A Room manager can add and delete rooms and existing stations, and add equipment (camera, simulator) to rooms.
GO ShutDownOnly relevant in the case of LearningSpace GO units where the user with this privilege can shut down the GO unit by entering their password on the ls/shutdown.html page.
Inventory ManagerAccess to certain tools of the Inventory module (Catalog, Transactions). (See details further below and here)

Learner privileges


Access to Learner Data Entry, Learner Date Request tools, and Reports for all Activities shared with the user. (Report access settings are located at the Reports tab of each Activity.) 

From Inventory Manager 2.7 version, new users with Learner privilege are automatically assigned with the Transaction assignee option - if the Inventory manager is enabled within the LearningSpace system.

SP privileges

(Standardized patient)

  • Access to SP Data Entry and SP Date Availability tool for Activities the user is assigned to as an SP.
  • Can review Activity related recordings assigned to them (video review can be enabled in General in System).
  • Optional: access to SP Training Data Entry.

Video privileges

Record Manager

Without being added to the faculty group of any of the Activities, this user can

  • search for and view every learner's performance matrix scores,
  • search for and view video recordings across every Activity the learners have participated in,
  • can filter down the selected learner's performance recordings by Activities or Cases, 
  • can also save video recordings to DVD, and can also delete them. 

This privilege does NOT allow users to use the Record Transfer feature of the Record Manager module - it is only available for Admin-level users.

Video Control
  • Access to Live View—including the Record Control and Annotation panels—of Activities shared with the user;
  • can start and stop recordings,
  • can add learner(s) and SP(s) to the recordings,
  • can create, edit or delete annotations.

Besides rooms that are assigned to Activities they are participants of, this privilege also gives users access to all idle rooms, i.e. to rooms with no RNSA or scheduled session assigned (scheduled in Advanced scheduling only, not via Calendar).

Video Control (full control)Has the same scope of access as the Video Control privilege, but unlimited: it can access all rooms for recording in the LearningSpace system, without limitations.
Live Video

Can view live recordings of rooms that are assigned to Activities this user is a participant of.  

Besides rooms that are assigned to Activities they are participants of, this privilege also gives users access to all idle rooms, i.e. to rooms with no RNSA or scheduled session assigned (scheduled in Advanced scheduling only, not via Calendar).

IntercomAccess to live video in the Recording module for all Activities shared with the user; can send Intercom announcements. Besides rooms that are assigned to Activities they are participants of, this privilege also gives users access to all idle rooms, i.e. to rooms with no RNSA or scheduled session assigned (scheduled in Advanced scheduling only, not via Calendar).

Learning Management privileges


SRP stands for Scheduling and Resource Planner. This privilege provides access to the Calendar,  SP Manager and Resources modules on the dashboard, and to Scheduling in Classic view.

In Resources, the SRP user can view resource usage reports and video recordings of Activities they are assigned to as a faculty member.
Also can review any usage and recordings that are not related to any Activity (e.g., meetings or presentations).

In the Calendar module, the user can create events for the Activities they have access to and can view but not edit events of other Activities.
However, they can edit events that are not related to any Activity (e.g., meetings or presentations).

Events created by the SRP user have to be approved by a user with admin or SRP full control privilege.

In Advanced Scheduling, the user can take care of the scheduling of the events they created, or the events that are created for Activities the user has access to as faculty.

See also How to Share Activities with Activity Managers and SRP Users.

SRP (full control)
  • The privilege provides access to the Resources and Calendar without any limitation.
  • Also, the SRP full control user can approve pending events in the calendar.
  • In Advanced Scheduling, the user has access to every event and can edit their schedule.
Activity ManagerHas access to all functions in the Activities module of Activities shared with the user.
Case Author (full control)
  • Has access to Cases and can edit Cases shared with them for reading and writing.
  • The user is also able to modify the content of a Case, despite a Case being used in an Activity and containing submitted checklists.
Case AuthorHas access to Cases and can edit Cases shared with them for reading and writing.
(warning) However, once a Case is added to an Activity and has submitted checklists, the Case Author is not able to edit that Case anymore.

Data Entry privileges

Open-Ended Question Scoring Data EntryAccess to score Open-ended questions of the Activities shared with them, via the Open-Ended Question Scoring (OEQS) tool.
(Access to learners is controlled in Assignments at each Activity.)
FON Data Entry

Access to fill out the FON part of the Activities they are assigned to as Faculty. At the same time, the FON user can also watch live or recorded encounters in Live View or Video Review mode, respectively. (Access to learners is controlled in Assignments at each Activity.)


This privilege gives users access to watch live or recorded encounters 

  • in all rooms that are assigned to Activities they are participants of,
  • in all idle rooms, i.e. rooms with no RNSA or scheduled session assigned (scheduled in Advanced scheduling only, not via Calendar).
ObserverAccess to fill out the SP Performance Assessment parts (parts of SP section created for observers and, if any, specific SPPA sections) of Activities shared with the user.
(Access controlled via settings on the Activity Reporting Setup page.)

User related privileges

User Manager

Access to user accounts that belong to a group shared for editing with this user or shared with all users; can

  • create,
  • modify or
  • delete groups and users.


User Managers cannot create Admin, System Manager, Room Manager and Learner History/SP Activity privilege users.

Report related privileges

Report Reviewer
  • Has access to the Reports and Video Review modules on the dashboard and Reports & Results in Classic View.
  • The user can only access the video recordings and view the reports of the Activities they are assigned to as a faculty member.
  • Access to report types can be controlled at the Reports tab of an Activity in Activities; therefore, certain report types can be hidden from this user.
Report Reviewer (full control)
  • Has access to the Reports and Video Review modules on the dashboard and Reports & Results in Classic View.
  • Such as the Report Reviewer, the full control version only has access to the video recordings and reports of the Activities they are assigned to as a faculty member.
  • However, the user is enabled to edit the Activity Reporting Setup in Classic View in Reports & Results.
  • Report type limitations made in Activities at an Activity do not apply to the full control user, they can generate any type of report.
  • Also, this user type can control conditions of report access for Activities shared with them on a read-and-write level, while being participants of the assigned Faculty group.
    (Through 'Go to Activity Manager' of the Report Availability tab within Activity Reporting Setup.)
  • Has access to hidden records within Individual checklists.
  • Can add titles to recordings they are assigned to.
Anonymous Report ReviewerHas access to the Reports module on the dashboard and Reports & Results in Classic View.  By default, ID numbers are displayed instead of usernames on the reports for this user. In Reports & Results, only Group Performance, Individual Performance, and Digital Video are available. 
Access to report types can be controlled at the Reports tab of an Activity in Activities; therefore, certain report types can be hidden from this user.
Learner History / SP ActivityHas access to the history of students and the SP Activity panel of SPs. Unlike Report Reviewer users, this user is not related to Activities, but user groups. To have access to specific users' history or SP Activity, the group of these users has to be shared with the Learner History / SP Activity as 'Read and Write.' 
IMPORTANT: All privileges with access to rooms - depending on groups, assignments, and sharing - can access all idle rooms.

Inventory related privileges

Inventory Manager (full control)

With the Inventory Manager (full control) privilege, users can

  • access the Inventory module on the Dashboard
  • access every tab in the Inventory module
  • create new items, cabinets, and locations in the Catalog tab
  • manage and assign Transactions
  • prepare Equipment and Supply Lists for Cases
  • check out the contents of Setup Sheets for events and print them
  • generate and export Reports to document supply and equipment usage
  • assemble the list of disposed or lost items (Reconciliation)
  • compare the current status of the Inventory with the equipment and supply needs of particular events.
  • receive low-stock notifications.

This privilege has a matching role that you can find in the Roles tab in Users (see image further below) 

Inventory Manager

The basic Inventory Manager privilege grants only the necessary permissions to simulation lab technologists' or assistants' inside the Inventory module. 

With the Inventory Manager privilege, users can

  • access the Cart and transactions through the Catalog and Transactions tab,
  • perform check-ins and check-outs (like Transaction assignees)
  • access every other part of the Inventory module in read-only mode.

From Inventory Manager 2.7 version, new users with Learner privilege are automatically assigned with the Transaction assignee option - if the Inventory manager is enabled within the LearningSpace system.

Users with the basic Inventory Manager privilege can NOT create new items and do NOT receive low-stock notifications.

For further information visit our User Manager - How to pages.