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Single Room View (SRV): The screen that is displayed when a single room panel is selected in Center Overview (CO), that is, the display of all the aspects of a single room.


The Single room view (SRV) shows all the camera and DCU feeds assigned to the room, along with

If accessed via the CO and there is no event scheduled, that is, the recording is done on the fly, the Data Entry tab, the Intercom  and the Send to Screen functions are inactive, since for those features to work, a scheduled event including an SCE is needed.

The SRV can be accessed 

  • via the CO, by clicking anywhere in the camera panel's header

  • by selecting a scheduled event ('Event for recording/Events today') or a specific room ('Room for recording/Available rooms') on the Recording tab of the Dashboard.

With the Toggle Panel Width/Height functionality, the bottom- and side panels can be minimized in order to maximize the displayed camera- or media view.

The toggle reveals itself by hovering over the bottom- or side panel, or on the panel border lines. When activated (i.e. camera view is maximized), the toggle arrows are displayed constantly.

Vertical Double Layout 

In some cases, two camera views need to be displayed on top of each other (i.e. in a single column) during recording.
In the latest version of CAE LearningSpace the utilization of the space available in the Single Room View panels can be maximized and the panels on the right side (Annotations tab, Data Entry tab etc.) or additional windows can be displayed in a larger size with the help of the Vertical double layout feature:

See also our Practical Recording and Recording - FAQ pages.