To save data about a video recording, a Video Report can be downloaded in PDF format including the following information:

  • Video Record Information - all the data available about the recording(s): title of activity, title of SCE assigned, learner group, learner(s), Simulated Patient and/ or simulator connected, start and duration of recording
  • List of Annotations, Sim Logs and Comments - listed by exact time, indicating the learner(s) to whom the references were made, by whom the annotations were made

The Video Report can be downloaded by selecting the desired recordings in the list view, then clicking the Print button in the bottom left part of the screen.

NOTE: Any number of recordings can be selected, but the report will be saved as one PDF file including the above data with respect to all selected video recordings.

(info) In the latest versions of CAE LearningSpace the video report can be printed (exported) into an Excel (xls) file for more convenient management and an essentially easier utilization of the exported data in applications like Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets.

Learn more on our  How can I save data about a video recording? and Video Review - FAQ pages.