<div class="welcomeTitle small alignCenter">Welcome to</div>

<div class="CAELearningSpaceLogo welcomeLogo alignCenter fontSize24">

<div class="welcomeTitle big alignCenter">How can we help?</div>

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	<div class="productSection title"><span>User Guide</span></div>
	<div class="productSection description"><span>The User Guide offers three aspects for searching for information, each structured according to the modules:<br />
<li>- Notions and Concepts – explanations and overview of all the details of LearningSpace</li>
<li>- Practical – process-oriented descriptions of the main tasks within the system</li>
<li>- User Profiles – functions of the system as accessible by the different types of users</li>

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	<div class="productSection title"><span>FAQ</span></div>
	<div class="productSection description"><span> This section of the help site contains responses to questions about specific
functions, details of the system. The questions are arranged according to the modules and embedded links help navigate to relevant background knowledge.</span></div>

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	<div class="productSection title"><span>Training Videos</span></div>
	<div class="productSection description"><span>This part accommodates all the videos that can facilitate getting acquainted with the system – from a general perspective to more specific areas. The videos provide a commentated visual guide through the main areas of LearningSpace.</span></div>

<div class="productSection description" style="text-align:center; margin-top: 28px "> 
<a href ="https://help.caelearningspace.com/cf/display/EntHS/Workstation+Computer+Requirements" <span>Workstation computer requirements</span> </a>