With the Intercom hotkey, you can send Intercom messages with a push of a key on your keyboard. Once the Intercom hotkey is defined, users with administrator and Intercom privileges can use this keyboard shortcut to send announcements. See How to Access the Intercom - CO.

Your System manager has to define the hotkey on the Intercom tab of the System module, which performs the same action as the Push-to-Talk button on the user interface.

You can access the feature on the following pages:

IMPORTANT: The Intercom functionality of CAE LearningSpace requires the web browser to have access to the microphone of the client PC, which in turn requires a secure HTTPS connection to the CAE LearningSpace server.
That is, the use of the microphone of the client computer can only be conducted with a valid SSL certificate. (This restriction stems from the Chrome browser security regulations.)

Intercom is not supported on iPads.

Learn more on our System - How to and Recording Module pages.