The latest version of the Open-Ended Questions Scoring (OEQS) module will have an improved user interface to make open-ended question grading more effective. 

Open-Ended Questions Tab 

Improvements in Layout

The new and improved layout will feature additional details on the Open-Ended Questions main tab that enables easier grading.

In the Questions view, the OEQS grader is provided a comprehensive status of each question with more learner insights. This includes: 

Improvements in View Options

View by Questions and view by Learners direct the OEQS user to a unified Scoring tab (learn more about the renewed layout in the Improvements in Scoring Tab section below).

Individual questions will not be displayed separately anymore when selecting each of them in Questions view. OEQS graders will be shown every question included in a selected checklist, even those that haven't received a response yet.

The OEQS module will still make a distinction between selecting the scoring view by Questions or by Learners in the following ways:

Scoring Tab 

Improvements in Scoring Drafts

With the new update, scoring drafts will be automatically saved if an OEQS grader switches from one question or learner to another inside the same scoring session.

Drafts are available as long as the OEQS grader does not leave the OEQS module. Once the users switch to their dashboard, then their scoring drafts will be discarded. Scores are saved permanently only by submission. 

Once the OEQS grader edits scores in the Scoring panel on the right, a yellow draft status is added to the question, indicating that grading is in progress but not submitted yet:

From there on, any edits made by OEQS users will be saved as long as the users do not exit the OEQS module and return to their Dashboards.

Scoring drafts will still be saved if OEQS graders:

  • select any learner or question while on the Scoring tab,
  • return to the Open-Ended Questions tab to browse by Questions or by Learners,
  • or switch to another checklist while grading for the current one is not completed yet.

Improvements in Layout

Significant enhancements have been made to the Open-Ended Questions Scoring module's Scoring tab in order to view questions and learner responses in a compact way.  

OEQS graders can resize panels according to their preferences by dragging panel borders:

Panel size adjustments made by the OEQS graders are saved as long as the user is working inside the OEQS module in the same session. Once the users exit the module, their changes will be discarded.