The latest Inventory module update will allow you to search for items more conveniently, provide you with the location history of items, offer a more straightforward way of checking in your items or transferring them in bulk to another location. From now on Setup Sheet editing will be available for events created or modified with Advanced Scheduling. 

Take a look at the new features available in the update here:

Item ID Numbers

Every item, including existing items in your inventory, will get assigned a unique, searchable, system-generated ID number. 

You will be allowed to look up items by complete or partial ID numbers in any search field:

Catalog search field:

Cart search:

Drop-down search fields will return the proper name of an item when searching by complete or partial ID numbers.

Equipment and supply list search:

ID numbers will be displayed in the new ID Number column on the Catalog tab for each item:

When items are created in the Catalog, unique ID numbers are assigned automatically by the system. 

You will also find the ID Number in an item's Identification tab:

When printing the QR code of an item, the ID Number will also be included on the label:

Home Location Tab

From now, the location history of consumable and non-consumable items will be at hand while completing check-in transactions. 

The new Home Locations tab in the Check-in popup will list

The location where items were checked out from most recently will be marked by an icon.

Improvements in Item Lists 

New features will be available in the Item List tab that will allow Inventory Managers:

The new options can be accessed in the Item List tab:

Increase Item Quantity Without Check-In 

With the help of this new feature, the quantity of consumable or non-consumable items can be increased without creating a cart for check-in. 

To enter the quantity of an item for a new location, use the +Add New Item button in the upper right corner in the Item List tab:

To increment the item quantity for a specific location or batch, access the Add new items option via the Edit button included at each location or batch: 

After selecting the option, a popup will open where you can put in the quantity you want to add:


The system will create check-in logs in the transaction history each time you add items in the Item List tab so you can trace back when items were stocked:

Move Items to Other Locations

With the help of this new feature, items can be easily transferred from one location to another without conducting multiple transactions. 

To transfer multiple items or an asset to another location, access the Move to Other Location option via the Edit button included at each location or batch: 

The system will automatically create transaction logs for any transfer made in the Item List tab so you can trace back every movement inside your inventory:

Add Setup Sheets to Advanced Scheduling Events

From now on inside the Calendar module, you can add Setup Sheets to:

Events created with or modified by Advanced Scheduling appear in the Calendar module as read-only.

To access the Edit Setup Sheet option, display available options by clicking on a read-only event: