keep in touch with standardized patients with the help of our instant messaging system included in the SPA module

Enter the Chat tab to view and send messages to SPs or SP coordinators 

you can create custom SP group in the Chat 

create a chat group including every SP who has been confirmed for an appointment

or add every SP you have requested in your casting sheet

include every SP related to the entire session

follow up with your SP group until the day of your session and stay up-to-date regarding their availability

After I’m done on the Casting page, I switch to the Chat tab. On this tab I see the following:

For now I want to create a new chat. I hit the “+ Chat” button, which opens a popup. In this popup I select the SP (or SP coordinator?) I want to talk to, and click Create Chat. The popup closes, and the freshly created conversation is on the top of the list and is highlighted, with no message so far.