Single Room View (SRV): The screen that is displayed when a single room panel is selected in Center Overview, that is, the display of all the aspects of a single room. It shows all the camera and DCU feeds assigned to the room, along with the Annotations and Data Entry tabs, the Recording settings, the recording functions (REC button, STOP button), the Intercom buttons and the Send to Screen functions.

The SRV can be accessed either via the CO, or by clicking the cogwheel on the Recording module on the Dashboard and selecting a specific room or a scheduled event.

NOTE: If accessed via the CO and there is no event scheduled, that is, the recording is done on the fly, the Data Entry tab, the Intercom  and the Send to Screen functions are inactive, since for those features to work, a scheduled event, including an SCE, is needed.

SRV when recording on the fly: