1. Create a customized report as described in How to Create a Custom-Designed Report.
  2. When done, click the Save Setup icon in the top right corner of the tab.
    The Save Report pop-up window appears with all the added row and column categories and any filter applied. 
  3. Enter the name under which you want to save the custom-designed report.
  4. If there are filters, select the radio buttons as desired.

In the Save Report pop-up, the applied filters are listed with radio buttons setting the filters to be Fixed or Set on load

  • Fixed: the report format will be applied with that specific filter
  • Set on load: only the filter category will be saved and the specific filter will have to be set in the Load Report pop-up window when the saved report format is recalled.
TIP: If a learner is added as a filter, then the setup is saved with the filter set to Set on load, then the next time that report format is opened, any learner can be selected, thus filtered for. This way, any learner's scores can be displayed using the same preset report format.

5. Click Save at the bottom of the pop-up window.
6. The saved report format will be listed in the New Report drop-down and can be selected by clicking its name.

If any of the filters of a preset report format was saved with the Set on load radio button activated, the Load Report pop-up window appears first when selecting that report format. Once the filter is specified, the preset report format will be displayed.

Learn more on the Reports Module pages and from our Reports Module Training Videos.