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The Learner Video Review Access option is turned on for newly created SCEs with a 1-day delay threshold set up by default. 

Learner Video Review Access Email

Facilitators or Simulation Designers can create a new message or edit an existing email template that can be set up as an automatically forwarded message sent automatically to learners when preparing an event using for the SCE:


New Merge Tags

Apply the new field merge tags available for the video review availability emails to include customized information in the message body for your recipients

  • #{VIDEO_URL}# : the tag is replaced with a link that directs each learner

Administrators can set up Learner Video Review Access email templates inside the Emails tab in System. Email templates will be automatically imported into the SCE Scheduling tab to the corresponding SCE stage setting for Facilitators, Schedulers to customize these templates for events.

Administrators can also apply new merge tags introduced at template settings:


  • to their video review page.
  • #{VID_AV_DEADLINE}# : the tag is replaced with the deadline of video review availability. 


The video review availability deadline can be set up at each event created for SCEs

video review availability: takes the start and end date of video review availability defined at the event and pastes the information in the email



When organizing events in the Calendar module, Facilitators or Schedulers can finalize the amount of time after video review becomes available for learners following the event. The last day for video review accessibility can also be set up: 


Learner access to video review is controlled at the event-level.

Facilitators or Schedulers can turn on automatical e-mail sending to notify learners when their video review will be available:


Email preview is available through the letter envelope icon. 

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