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Demo users in the sample database of the system were designed to help demonstrate the functionalities of the system during trainings.

Demo users are inactive by default, but can be activated for one day after which they are automatically deactivated.

Admins and users with System Manager privilege

How to Spot a Demo User in Your User Database?

Demo users have the Demo user checkbox selected in their Account tab in Users. Open a user for editing to check their demo user status.

Since demo users come with CAE LearningSpace's sample database, the Demo user checkbox cannot be modified, also additional demo users cannot be created.

Bulk Demo User Activation – Activating Demo Users All at Once


Demo users are inactive by default wihtout any password; they are only assigned a password once they are activated.
o prevent security gaps in your CAE LearningSpace installation, demo users are assigned a new password at every activation and are also deactivated overnight every day during daily maintenance. 

  1. You can activate every demo user of the sample database in the General tab of the System module by clicking the Activate Demo Users for Today button.
    The button automatically activates every demo user. 

  2. Once the demo users have been activated, the same password will be set for every one of them.
    The system-generated password is displayed in a pop-up.

    The Activate Demo Users for Today button overrides all previous settings, which means if a demo user has been individually activated before, their password will change to the system-generated one.

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    We recommended that you copy the password before closing the pop-up. Once you close the pop-up, you cannot retrieve the default password from anywhere in the system.

    (tick) If the pop-up is accidentally closed without copying the password, the process can be repeated to generate a new password.

    The daily maintenance deactivates all demo users overnight and deletes the system-generated password.

Activating Individual Demo Users

Demo users can also be activated in Users one by one by deselecting the Inactive checkbox in the the Account tab of the Edit User pop-up.

Open a demo user for editing and deselect the Inactive checkbox.

In case of individual activation, the user in charge of activation has to enter the password of the demo user in the Edit User pop-up. Otherwise, the activated user will not have a password.


Similarly to bulk demo user activation, individually activated demo users are also deactivated overnight every day during daily maintenance. 

Activated Demo User in Users


Learn more on the System Manager help site pages.