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The Open-Ended Questions Scoring module's Scoring tab allows graders to view questions and


responses in a concise way while simultaneously evaluating


data entry in the same workspace.

Table of Contents

Resizeable Panels

OEQS graders can resize panels according to their preferences by dragging panel borders:


Panel size


settings are saved


while OEQS graders


switch between the OEQS


main page and the Scoring page. Panel settings will be discarded once users exit the entire module i.e. go to their Dashboard.

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Learners Panel

The OEQS graders can click and select any learner on the left for scoring: the Responses panel in the middle adjusts accordingly.


When switching between learners, the Responses tab stays on the same question that has been selected.

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Responses Panel

The Responses panel in the middle contains every question of the selected checklist. Questions are also arranged into sections, following the sectioning of the checklist.

Learner responses appear embedded inside each question:

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Responses or entire sections can be minimized per preference using the drop-down arrows included for each question and section:

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OEQS graders can keep track of incomplete checklist submissions: every question included in the selected checklist is featured inside Responses, even if there is no response submitted


for a question:

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Scoring Panel

OEQS graders can submit scores and leave additional notes using the Scoring panel




To learn about the scoring process in more detail, visit this page.


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Next Learner Option

Once every


scorable response is scored on a learner's checklist,


the Next Learner option will appear at the bottom of the Scoring panel.
By clicking Next Learner, the OEQS user will be forwarded to the next learner who has unscored responses:

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Scoring Drafts

The Scoring page retains unsubmitted scores automatically as drafts so OEQS users will not lose progress while navigating away from a question or learner inside the OEQS module.

As soon as OEQS graders enter scores or notes in the Scoring panel on the right, a yellow draft status is added to the question, section, and selected learner, indicating that grading is in progress but not submitted yet:


Any edits made by OEQS users will be saved as long as the users do not exit the OEQS module and return to their Dashboards.


Drafts are available as long as the OEQS grader does not leave the module. If users return to their


Dashboards, their scoring drafts will be discarded. Scores are saved permanently only by submission. 

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Scoring Page Statuses

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QuestionsA score has been submitted for the response.A score or note has been added for the response but not submitted yet.The response cannot be scored because the question item is set up as 'Not Scored'.
SectionsScores have been submitted for every scorable response inside the section.There is at least one scorable response inside the section that has an unsubmitted score or note added.-
LearnersScores have been submitted for every scorable response in the learner's checklist.There is at least one scorable response in the learner's checklist that has an unsubmitted score or note added.-

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