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Annotations are notes, remarks added at specific moments of the recording.


The Annotations tab is displayed on the right side of the SRV and is only active during recording.

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Annotations are displayed for users who have access to the SRV:

  • Admin
  • Facilitator
  • Faculty 
  • Learner 

Learners may only have access to recordings via the Video Review module, and annotations are only visible for them if they are selected for a specific annotation (either individually or when
the tab name is displayed in blue.
all the learners are added - default setting).

The functionality is only available during recording or debriefing.


 When available, annotations can be added by category by typing the required remark in the Add annotation field.

To change the category of the annotation to be added, click the desired icon. Image Added

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Once an annotation is added, it is reusable, therefore the Add annotation field also functions as a search field for previously added annotations. That is, when typing anything in the field, the system yields all results that have the typed character combination.

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(info)  To send the annotation, just click on the selected (preset) annotation or click the Image Addedicon in case of newly created (free-text)ones.


You can see the "All" phrase on the card if an annotation is added to “All learners” (the name of all learners will not be displayed separately on the annotation card).
To make annotations that should not be seen by learners, simply turn off the 'All learners' switch on the annotation or deselect the learner.

Adding an annotation:


annotations normally refer to learner performance

, it is recommended that a learner group be assigned to the recording.

. In case we wish to add a Learner group to the recording, it can be done the following ways:

Scheduled events - the learner group is selected when scheduling the event (Calendar)

Recording on the fly - the learner group can be added via the Recording settings function


The Add annotation function is also available if no learner group is assigned to the recording

By default, all the learners of the assigned group are added to an annotation,

but members can be deselected via the All button in the right side of the Selected Users field by clicking the names in the prompted pop-up. Info

displayed in blue. Members can be de-selected by clicking their names (disabling them). 

(lightbulb) All Learners can be selected/deselected by the All Learners toggle.

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added annotation refers to the most recently selected learner set, that is, any change made to the selected learners will only apply to an annotation added thereafter.

Annotations are marked with orange on the video timeline/slider. Click on each speech-bubble for displaying the annotation added at the given time-point. Grey bubbles represent Simulator logs.

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In case users with an option to annotate during Recording enter the SRV prior to Admins (or any users with appropriate privileges) who start the recording, the Learners selected for annotation (and data entry) by the Admins afterwards will not get updated on the annotating users' Recording page. Still, the annotations will only apply to the selected Learners. 

In the latest versions  of CAE LearningSpace the utilization of the space available in the Single Room View panels can be maximized and the panels on the right side (or additional windows) can be displayed in a larger size by using the Vertical double layout feature.

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See also our Practical Recording and Recording - FAQ pages.