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IMPORTANT: In CAE LearningSpace Intuity, the concept previously referred to as "event" has been re-named "activity", while the units previously named "sessions" have been re-labeled as "events".

Events - Activity schedules are broken into events. An event is a period of time when station setup and SP assignments are the same. This means that throughout the event, the same case with the same SP runs in the same room. Events must start and end on the same day, while an activity can have multiple events on multiple days, and even last for a long stretch of time (e.g. for a year).


-A round is a period of time for which students sign up. Each student is expected to attend an exam for one period (one round). A learner has to complete each case within a round. Consecutive rounds make up an event. A round must start and end within the same event. Rounds are made up of consecutive timeslots without any time gaps. The timeslots included in a round can be regular student encounter timeslots or special timeslots (for example, debriefing or lunch break). A valid round must contain at least one student encounter timeslot. Rounds are only valid if the first timeslot "starts new round" and the last timeslot "ends the round". These conditions can be established by checking the relevant boxes when setting up timeslots within an Event Setup. If the round setup is not valid, an error message displays at the top of the scheduling page and changes cannot be saved.


-Consecutive timeslots make up rounds. Besides its length, a timeslot also has a time after property. There are two different types of timeslots:

  • Learner encounter timeslots are timeslots used for a learner encountering an SP or simulator.
  • Special timeslots are timeslots used for occasions when no learner encounter happens but the time interval is used for a specific purpose (e.g. orientations, breaks or debriefings).


-A station is a room running a specific case for a specific event of an activity. Hence an activity can be running at multiple stations. Stations can be the same across multiple events, or can be different for each event.


-Spots are the maximum number of available spaces for students to participate within a specific round. By default, spots are calculated automatically based on station setup and number of timeslots. This calculation can be manually customized.