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Necessary privilege to access the module: 

Activity Manager

Privilege for accessing the functions in the module for activities shared with the operating user: creating activities or editing data of existing activities, including case and participant assignment, report access and share settings.

Further access to modify copied activities, as long as the sharing is not withdrawn.

NOTE: When an activity is copied, all of its specifications, including the sharing assignments, are duplicated as well, consequently, a copied activity will be shared by default with any Activity Manager user that the original activity has been shared with. 

ACTIVITY: An activity is a longer period of time created around a specific learning area (that is, a specific case or set of cases) for specific groups of participants. This entails that each activity has to have at least one learner (normally also a faculty group) assigned and at least one case added.

The Activity Manager is the module for initiating, searching, modifying, copying or deleting any activity or related facet. It is also the place from which to develop activity associated communications.

NOTE: Only users with Admin or Activity Manager privileges have access to the Activities module.

The members of the assigned learner group can complete the required case(s) in three ways:

  • without scheduling
  • via Running Non-Scheduled Activity (referred to as RNSA)
  • via Advanced Scheduling (event scheduling)

IMPORTANT: In case of scheduling conflicts, it is always the Advanced Scheduling that takes precedence, that is, if an RNSA is placed into a room that is scheduled as the location of an event (i.e. selected as a station for a case during Event Setup in the Activity Scheduler), it is always the configuration (recording setup) of the scheduled event that will apply, regardless of the order of room assignment.

Without any scheduling

This is the most basic activity setup with little or no preparation and/ or restriction. There is no location (room and or station) assigned and no time specified (i.e. event scheduled), as a consequence, data entry is available from any computer during the entire activity, that is, between the start and the end dates.


TIP: On the Options tab of the Edit Activity pop-up window, restrictions can be set up with respect to the source and timing of data entry. E.g.:

  • Data entry only allowed from IP addresses starting with/ hostnames ending in <provided number>
  • Activity is available with restricted browser only

Via Running Non-Scheduled Activity (referred to as RNSA)

This way of working within an activity requires linking the desired activity to a specific room. That is, selecting the activity and any one or all of the cases assigned to it in the Running Non-Scheduled Activity drop-down of the room on the Rooms tab of the System module.

This method allows for restricting Learner and/ or SP data entry for the specified case(s) to computers assigned to the selected room. Such setup requires two additional conditions to be fulfilled:

  • ticking the 'Data entry only allowed from manually authorized workstations' checkbox on the Options tab of the Edit Activity pop-up opened for the desired activity
  • selecting In-room and/ or Hallway Station in the Room Settings pop-up opened for the designated room

If all the above conditions are met, the Learner or SP logging in from the Hallway or In-room station respectively will only be able to access the selected case or all cases of the assigned activity. 

Via Advanced Scheduling (scheduled events)

Scheduling an event means determining a time interval within a specific day, when there are specific timeslots within a number of rounds during which the added case(s) is/ are completed by the learners (and SPs) assigned to the timeslots. For more detailed definitions, see How to Understand Concepts within Advanced Scheduling.

NOTE: Each case is completed at a station, that is, a room registered in the system. The rooms normally have cameras assigned to it, but simulators, intercom devices, as well as designated computers can also be linked to a room.

'Data entry only allowed from manually authorized workstations' restriction:

  • if enabled - the activity and its cases will only be accessible from the computer(s) that is/ are assigned to the rooms where the cases are scheduled, and Easy Login will facilitate data entry 
  • if not enabled - the activity and its cases will be accessible from all computers