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Conditions of merging activities:

  • The activities intended to be merged must be running activities.
  • All cases of the source activity (which is to be merged), including alternate cases, must be present in the target activity (into which the source activity is to be merged). The target activity may have additional cases assigned, but it must include all those assigned to the source activity.
  • The learner group of the target activity has to include all learners who entered data for either of the merged activities.
  1. Access the Edit Activity pop-up window for the target activity into which the data of another (source) activity is to be merged.

Edit Activity pop-up window for the target activity

2. Click the three-dot icon in the top right corner of the window.

3. Click the Merge button.

IMPORTANT: Alternate cases count as assigned cases, consequently, if an alternate case of the intended source activity is not assigned to the target activity, merger is not possible.

NOTE: If there is no source activity that only has cases assigned to it that are also assigned to the target activity, a message appears at the top of the screen.

If the conditions of merger are fulfilled, a pop-up appears with the settings of the merger. 

Pop-up for merger settings

4. Select the activity to be merged from the Source activity drop-down.

NOTE: The drop-down contains only the potential source activities, that is, those that have only such cases assigned to them that are also assigned to the target activity AND they also have data to be merged.

5. Check the box at Assign learners of the source activity to the target activity if desired.

6. Click the Merge button to conclude merging the data of the source activity to the target activity.

IMPORTANT: With merging, all data of the source activity, including video recordings and data entries, will be merged into the target activity, leaving the source activity "empty". Once the merge is concluded, the source activity will no longer contain any datum (either data entry or video recording).  All data associated with the source activity will now be found within the activity they have been merged into (target activity).

NOTE: With merging, alternate cases may appear in a different setup. This means that unless the same cases are assigned as alternate cases of each other in both the source and the target activity, the cases will be separated, that is, the data belonging to an alternate case of the source activity will be merged into the same case in the target activity but as a separate case.