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titleImportant Note About Remote Access

The tips & tricks outlined below are based on the assumption that Learners, Faculty and Standardized Patients are able to access your LearningSpace system from off-campus. 

Now would be a good time to re-engage your local IT policies to at least temporarily allow such access in the interest of meeting your objectives.

Live Streaming

As an AV platform, CAE LearningSpace can be used to stream live video feeds to any computer logged in with the proper privileges and group membership.

Faculty with the Live Video or Video Control (also full control version) privileges can access live streams easily. Learners or SPs generally do not have live video access. 

This can be accomplished via the following steps: 

  • Go to Users
  • Click on the Roles tab 
  • Create a new Role in the Add new role field at the bottom named “Learner + Live Video” (or whatever name is preferred) 
  • Assign the Learner and Live Video privileges to the new role 
  • Once the role is created, apply that role to all learners who will need access to live video
  • Add the learners who will need to see live video to the Faculty groups of the activities to which your live streams will be tied


    If you want to stream live feeds of a Covid-19 SCE being run, you would make sure that your learners are in the faculty group of the activity you have created to capture that scenario.

Learners who have the  Live Video privilege will be able to see live streams from rooms which either: 

a. Have been scheduled for or otherwise tied to Activities that the learners have been tied to, within the Faculty group.

b. Have not been scheduled or tied to any running Activity 

This means that if you want learners to only access live streams from a specific room, you will want to

a. Schedule or tie that room to the Activity the Learners have access to and;

b. Schedule or tie all other rooms to an activity the Learners do not have access to. 

titleTip - Generic User Account

Another, simpler option for live streaming to learners would be to utilize a single generic user account for live video access.  

Importing Videos Recorded Outside of CAE LearningSpace

The latest editions of the LearningSpace platform allow for video recorded outside of the software to be uploaded and used for assessment and annotation.

This is useful for:

  • Uploading video of Learner/SP encounters recorded off video conferencing platforms such as Zoom, GoToMeeting, etc.
  • Allowing learners to record themselves going through a procedure or skill and then send those files in to be uploaded and assessed.
titleVideo Upload is Admin-Only

Only Admin users can:

Image AddedUpload videos recorded outside the central management system.

Image AddedDelete a selected recording.

Image AddedLock a selected recording or

Image AddedUnlock a recording if the recording is locked already.

Delivering Content

Beyond AV capture and debrief, your CAE LearningSpace system is a web-based platform which includes the ability to embed video and documents within a data entry interface which can be pointed towards any of your major end-user populations. 

With this in mind there are a number of ways it can be put to use:

  • Delivery of recorded lecture and/or practical lab presentations
    You can have your faculty come onsite to present live within one of your rooms which is already outfitted with AV (this could also be streamed live) or you can have them record themselves (as simply as recording on their phone or tablet) and then upload those videos to LearningSpace.
    The videos can then be made available to your students via the Video review page. This would also allow you to track who has reviewed these videos.
  • Embedding videos or other media into learner or SP facing checklists
    When building cases in LearningSpace, it is very simple and easy to embed multi-media items—such as videos, documents or images—within the data entry interface.
    This could allow you to provide videos of an encounter and ask the learners or SPs specific questions about what they see. This can be a key component of asynchronous SP encounters.
  • Managing content by arranging cases by topics under Activities in LearningSpace
    Once you have created the learning content, you can inform your participants via Activity Email that the content is accessible.

Administering Remote or Asynchronous Standardized Patient “Encounters”

When live/in-person patient encounters are not an option due to schedule (or isolation due to pandemic), other options include:

  • Assuming your SPs are able and willing to come in, they can conduct remote encounters with learners via web conferencing tools (ie Skype, GoToMeeting, etc).
    If you have a display capture unit in the room in use you can pull the monitor feed from the conferencing interface into LearningSpace as another camera in the room. 

    titleTip - Audio Kit

    Assuming the audio is turned up loudly enough, the audio kit in the room would pick up both sides of the conversation.

  • As mentioned above, if SPs are unable to come onsite, they could instead participate in encounters from home via the same conferencing tools, perhaps hosted by sim center staff who can start and stop recording on the conferencing tool.
    Once recorded and complete, the SP and learner can log into LearningSpace to complete any data entry. The sim center staff can also upload the recording to LearningSpace.

  • Some centers have opted to take an asynchronous approach to administer interactions.
    They do this by
    • Breaking a case/scenario into multiple segments and making each segment a separate Case within an Activity in LearningSpace 
    • Within each case, videos of a pre-staged version of the encounter can be embedded as well as any type of questions and write-up interface would be appropriate for the learners to respond to at that juncture.
    • The activity can be set up with few restrictions on access so that learners can access it at their convenience.