IMPORTANT: While Advanced Scheduling is part of Activity planning, and Admin users have access through the Activities module, users designated for managing Advanced Scheduling can access it via the Calendar module. 

Necessary privilege to access the Advanced Scheduling function: 

SRP (Scheduling and Resource Planner)

Users with this privilege can:

  • schedule events in the Calendar module, and assign such events to a running activity, thereby gaining access to the Advanced Scheduling funtion of that activity
IMPORTANT: SRP users can only assign activities that have been shared with them, that is, if they are members of the Faculty group assigned to the activity. Also, events scheduled by an SRP userhave to be approved by an SRP (full control) user or an Admin.
  • access, edit or delete events that have not been assigned to any activity
  • print or send calendar views (Daily/ Weekly/ Monthly) in email

SRP (full control)

A user with full control privilege has access to:

  • schedule events in the Calendar module, and assign such events to any running activity (independent of sharing), thereby gaining access to the Advanced Scheduling funtion of the scheduled activity

NOTE: Events scheduled by a full control user are approved by default, and the user can approve events scheduled by an SRP user.

  • access, edit or delete any event (independent of the Share settings of the activity)
  • print or send calendar views (Daily/ Weekly/ Monthly) in email

Scheduling an event means determining a time interval within a specific day, when there are specific timeslots within a number of rounds during which the added case(s) is/ are completed in the designated room(s) by the learners (and SPs) assigned to the timeslots.

TIP: For more detailed definitions, see How to Understand Concepts within Advanced Scheduling.

Advanced Scheduling is created on the Activity Scheduler page accessible via clicking the Advanced Scheduling link in the top right corner of the Edit Activity pop-up widow opened for the desired activity.

TIP: The Advanced Scheduling is also available for an already scheduled event in the different views of the Calendar module.

Advanced Scheduling, that is, scheduling an event within an activity, entails the following necessary steps:

  1. determining date and starting time of the event
  2. creating timeslots (within at least one round)
  3. selecting a room (referred to as Station) as location to each case within the activity
  4. assigning learners and SPs (if applicable)

Optional features:

  • sending date request and date availability emails to learners and SPs respectively
  • reviewing such requests (if sent out and answered)
  • reviewing assignments
  • sending notification emails to learners and SPs

NOTE: Each case is completed at a station, that is, a room registered in the system. The rooms normally have cameras assigned to it, but simulators, intercom devices, as well as designated computers can also be linked to a room. These configurations are to be set up on the relevant tabs of the System module.

'Data entry only allowed from manually authorized workstations' restriction (available on the Options tab of the Edit Activity pop-up window):

  • if enabled - the activity and its cases will only be accessible from the computer(s) that is/ are assigned to the rooms where the cases are scheduled, and Easy Login will facilitate data entry 
  • if not enabled - the activity and its cases will be accessible from all computers