In certain ways, virtual events have to be organized differently from OSCE events conducted in person:

What Has Changed?

Pre-Selection pages of SPs and learners

Renewed Pre-Selection Pages

The Case Pre-Selection (for learners) and Learner Pre-Selection (for SPs) pages contain new options:

Virtual Rooms Instead of Authorized Workstations 

It is not possible to add authorized workstations to virtual events, and virtual rooms cannot be used as workstations.
This means that upon login, SPs and learners are not automatically forwarded to the

This may cause some problems with data entry: learners will not be directed to the Case Pre-Selection page upon login where they would find their virtual cases and checklists listed by the timeslots they are assigned to. 

In case of virtual rooms, clicking the Data Entry in the Your Activities panel next to the activity the event was created in, the SPs and learners will be directed to the Pre-Selection pages during the entire event. 

Duration of Pre-Selection Page Display

Pre-Selection pages are only available for SPs and learners from the start to the finish of the event.
Otherwise, learners can only access data entry through the basic case selection page where they have to manually select a case from a drop-down. This might result in learners accidentally filling out the wrong checklist.

Also, SPs will not be able to access the renewed Learner Pre-Selection page prior to or after the event.

To leave some extra time for SPs and learners to access the Pre-Selection before and after an event, set up a scheduling time threshold. This setting will allow the learners assigned to the first timeslot(s) and the last timeslot(s) to access and complete on time their pre- and post-encounter checklists.

Limit the Availability of Learner Data Entry (and Limit it to the Case Pre-Selection Page) 

Even if you set up conditions for learners to complete their data entry through their Pre-Selection pages during the event, they can still access data entry during the entire activity.

To have learners access data entry only during your event—plus the scheduling time threshold—, align the activity's entire duration with the event's duration extended by the scheduling threshold.

Also, this way data entry will be limited to the Case Pre-Selection page.

Activity Setup

Basics tab of the selected activity:

Set up the start and end date of the entire activity relative to your event

Options tab of the Activity:

(tick) Select the "Allow Post-Encounter access only after the virtual encounter has been started/virtual meeting has been launched." 
Otherwise, learners will be able to access their post-encounter checklist before the start of their virtual encounter.

(error) Do not apply the "Data entry only allowed from manually authorized workstations" option.

(error) Do not restrict data entry from computers with specific IP address or hostname endings.

Event Setup

After creating a new event with your preferred method, always continue to the Activity Scheduler page. 

  1. Set up timeslots and have valid round setups.

    To allow your learners to join the virtual meeting of each case required of them, the number of timeslots within a round should be equal to (or the multiple of) the number of virtual cases.
    This will ensure the correct rotation of learners: within one round every one of them can participate in each virtual encounter they need to complete.

  2. Add one virtual room to each case at Stations.

    You can conduct the same case in several different virtual rooms just as running the same case on more than one station.
    (warning) Likewise physical rooms, you cannot assign the same virtual room to more than one case.

    Virtual rooms do not function as authorized workstations. By adding a virtual room to the event will not provide automatic user-forwarding to case pre-selection and e.g. will not allow learners to access the pre-encounter checklist of the exact case they need to fill out before their virtual meeting starts.

    Read on how to set up your activity to forward your learners to the Case Pre-Selection page.

  3. assign one SP per case
  4. assign learners

Do not apply a timeslot structure template to your event.

Activity start and end dates should be aligned with the

Apply a Scheduling Time Threshold of your event.