Once created, a Case can be modified or copied:

  • Modify a Case when the Case needs to be permanently changed.
  • Copy a Case when a new Case needs to be used in a different event, possibly slightly or considerably altered.
  1. Find the desired Case
      1. through opening the containing Cabinet and selecting it,
      2. or using the scroll bar on the Cases panel,
      3. or with the help of the search bar on the Case Manager screen.

  2. When selecting from the drop-down of possible hits, the Edit Case pop-up window automatically opens.
    When selecting the Case from the list, either double-click the Case title or highlight it then click the Open button in the Cases panel.

  3. The Edit Case pop-up window for the Case opens.

  4. Modify the Case as desired following the same steps as those used when creating one.

  5. Click anywhere or close the pop-up as all changes are automatically saved.

IMPORTANT: If a Case has been used in an Activity and data entry has been made for it, any modification on it causes irreversible change and/or data loss.

For further information, visit our Case Manager and Cases - How to pages, or watch our Case Manager Training Videos.