This feature is to be used with in-campus audiovisual (AV) inputs. Hence, it is not available for LearningSpace Enterprise Lite, as the solution is used for web-conferencing based virtual simulation encounters only. To unlock this feature, please upgrade to the LearningSpace Enterprise solution.

(info) To access available FON evaluation (Data entry) forms, a user must have either Admin or FON Data Entry privilege and membership in the Faculty group assigned to the Activity.

FON Evaluations are accessed through

  1. the Single Room View when done live (through the Recording icon), or
  2. accessed and modified on the Video Review screen (through the Video Review icon) when completed after the encounter.

If multiple users are active in the same room in the Recording module, eg. start recording during other users are performing FON data entry, the system will warn these latter users and offer them two ways to proceed. See details here.

In case the FON Data entry user performing the data entry does not have access to certain learners associated with the Activity/Case of the recording (i.e., is not included in the assignment group), they will see the learners in an orange frame.