Video review access can be granted for Learners by assigning their names to the video recordings they have participated in the Recording SetupFor limiting Learners' access to Video review, you can

  • remove the Learner's name from the video  (but in this case evaluators will not be able to evaluate the learners either)
  • use the Learner Video Review Access control option within the Post-Event part of the Event in SCE Scheduling to adjust the timing of the access. 

In the Timing column, the start of the availability can be set with respect to the end of the simulation event, while the end of access can be determined with the Available till selector. Learners will only be able to view their video recordings within the time interval set up here.

NOTE: The availability lasts until the specified date, hour and minute

(warning) Hour and minute values set here become visible when moving to the end of the Available till field.

Email notification for notifying learners about the availability of the Video recordings can be set up in the same row as well, by clicking on the envelope icon and activating the "Enable automatic e-mail sending" option for the emails composed in the SCE Management's SCE Scheduling tab.

For further information, visit our SCE Management and SCE Management - FAQ pages.