1. To view resources assigned to a particular Case, access the Resource usage tab of the Case Manager.

The resources assigned to the Case are listed in the right panel. 

  • Per Learner resources: displays any currently assigned resources to the learners participating in the Case.

    During a non-scheduled event, if a video recording is assigned to the event, the system accumulates all resources usage that is set in the ’Per Learner Resources’ table in Case Manager.

  • Per Event resources: displays any currently assigned resources to the Case.

    Per Event display can be used if there are scheduled events for the Activity in concern.

Event items are automatically measured only during scheduled activities.

2. To delete an individual resource, click the X icon in its field.

3. To delete all resources, click the trash bin icon in the bottom right corner of the added resources panel.

4. To add a resource, use the drop-down menus for the Type and specific Resource, enter the Quantity in the corresponding field then select the Per Event or Per Learner radio button. When done, click Add.

The specified resource will be listed in the added resources panel on the right.

For more information visit our Case Manager, Resource Manager and Resources - How to pages.