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The Video Review module allows users with Admin privilege to lock videos to prevent their deletion.

Locked videos cannot be deleted manually or by the system during the automatic video delete process - after 30/60/90 days, as set on the General tab of the System manager:

Recordings can be locked in List View, by ticking their checkbox then clicking the padlock icon at the bottom of the list.

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NOTE: A message appears at the top of the screen informing about the selected recording(s) having been successfully locked, and a padlock appears at the beginning of the line of the locked recording(s). 

To withdraw locking:

Select the locked recording(s), then click the open the padlock button Image Added to withdraw locking.

NOTE:  If already locked and unlocked recordings are selected simultaneously, only locking will come into effect, that is, the locked ones will remain so.


For further information visit our Video review - How to pages.