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  1. Open the Groups & Users tab (default) of the User Manager module.
  2. Click the New User button. The New User pop-up window will appear. 
  3. The pop-up window has a header with the primary settings (name, email address, UCID, role) and three basic setting surfaces: Account, Groups and Privileges. By default, the Account settings come up.
    • Account settings: personal data, including the status setting.
    • Groups settings: group membership of the user. A new user can be added to any existing group or be removed from one by clicking the X sign (which becomes red when hovering over a given group).
If the New User button is clicked when a group is highlighted on the left column of the Groups & Users tab, that group will be automatically added to the list of groups the new user becomes member of.
    • Privileges settings: personalized privilege(s), possibly set up independently of role.
      On the settings surface, the given role can be customized by checking boxes of further privileges.

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IMPORTANT: Customized set of privileges specified within these settings will not be saved as a customized role.

4. When the role is set to SP or the privileges include SP, three additional settings surfaces are displayed:

    • Personal Data settings: for entering customized data specific to and necessary for management of SP users.
    • Physical & Medical History settings: for registering medical history and conditions of the SP user.
    • Activity settings: for recording activities (with specific details) that the SP user has participated in.

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When having filled out all mandatory and optional fields, the pop-up window can be closed as any change is saved automatically.


User Managers cannot create Admin, System Manager, Room Manager and Learner History/SP Activity privilege users.


For further information visit our User Manager pages.

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