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Checklists or parts are questionnaires prepared for specific purposes, directed at different groups of users (faculty, learners, etc.), consisting of one or more sections. 

Checklists can be created or edited on the case content screen accessible via the Case Content button in the Edit Case pop-up window.

Using various parts in a case is optional, setting and combining them completely depends on the user's goals.

NOTE: Some features of CAE LearningSpace can only be used if certain parts are composed for a case. For instance, case evaluation can only be set up if there is a Case Evaluation part within the case.


Sections accommodate the item(s) added to a checklist. An item is a set of a certain question and - depending on the item type - the possible answers for that question. As items cannot be added independently to a checklist, only within a section, it follows that a checklist always contains at least one section. 

A section may contain one or more items that target the same skill competence. Thus sections are used for categorizing/ grouping questions and serve as means for arranging questions according to different skill areas. In turn, performance can be analyzed based on different sections, thereby providing means for observing performance along skill areas.


IMPORTANT: When on the tab of the desired part (checklist), without any section added, clicking an item in the New Item panel will automatically create a section that in turn can contain the added item.

Item types are discussed in detail here.

Data to be specified for a section 

Section title: title describing the type of items arranged within the section or referring to the skill area the items included aim to evaluate

Section abbreviation: a code corresponding to a common skill area intended to be observed across the different cases

IMPORTANT: Section abbreviation is necessary for generating a Skill Development Report. The abbreviations correspond to different skill areas and the report itself is constructed according to scores achieved within sections having the same section abbreviation.

Weight: value determining the weight of the section with which it counts into the score calculation. 

NOTE: Case total scores of learners is calculated according to the weights provided for each section. Therefore, section weight provides means for differentiating between skill areas, if necessary.

Scoring: setting determining the type of scoring (Percents, Natural score or Mean score)

Further options - activated by ticking their checkbox:

Affects case total - see Case Total calculation 

Affects skill area total - see Skill Area calculation

Hidden - when checked, the scores achieved by the responses for the items of the section will not count in the Case Total Score, and the section will not be displayed in the Reports. However, it does not affect Data Entry, the items included will be displayed and can be answered by the user filling out the checklist. By default, sections are not hidden.

Observed - see SP Performance Assessment