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NOTE: Certain privileges entail tasks and surfaces that are only accessible via the Classic View.


Admin: has access to everything, no restriction whatsoeverwithout any restrictions.

System Manager: access limited to the System module, including all the tabs and settings.

Room Manager: access only to the Rooms tab of the System module; Management module through Classic view. A Room manager can add and delete rooms, set up existing stations, add and equipment (camera, simulator) to rooms.

GO ShutDown: only relevant in case of LearningSpace GO units where a the user with this privilege can shut down the GO unit by entering his/ her password on the ls/shutdown.html page.


Learner: access to Learner Data Entry, Learner Date Request tools and Reports for all activities shared with the user. (Access controlled by Activity Reporting Setup settingsReport access settings are located at the Reports tab of each activity.)


SP: access to SP Data Entry and SP Date Availability tool for activities the user is assigned to as an SP; can review recordings labeled labelled to him/ her (controlled by system settingscan be set in General in System). Optional access to SP Training Data Entry.


Record Manager: can search all activities and has access to review or search performance matrix scores and video recordings for all activities, delete recordings or create disk, as well as to do record transfer. Can write video recordings to disk and also delete them. Can also transfer records.

Video Control: access to Live View, including the Record Control and Annotation panels, of activities shared with the user; can start and stop recordings, add learner(s) and SP(s) to the recordings, and create, edit or delete annotations.

Video Control (full control): same scope of access as that of the Video Control privilege, only unlimited; can access any and all recordings in the CAE LearningSpace system.

Live Video: access to can view live view recordings of activities which were shared with the this user.

Intercom: access to live video in the Recording module for all activities shared with the user; can send intercom announcements.

Learning Mgmt.

SRP: SRP stands for Scheduling and Resource Planner. This privilege providing provides access to the Resource Manager Resources: to data and reports for activities that are shared with the this user , and usage data outside of activities and also video recordings .

A user with this privilege can also access with no assigned activity and video recordings; access to the Calendar module: to add new events (including entities that are shared with the user) that have to be approved, to see (but not edit) events independent of sharing, and edit events that are not assigned to an activity (ege.g. meetings or presentations); access to the Activity Scheduler for events created by the user or those scheduled within an activity shared with the user.

SRP (full control): Scheduling and Resource Planner privilege providing access to the Resource Manager without limitation; access to the Calendar module: to add new events or edit other events without limitation, and to approve events; access to the Activity Scheduler for any event.

Activity Manager: access to the functions in the Activities module for activities shared with the user.

Case Author (full control): access to the functions in the Cases module for cases shared with the user. Further access to modify cases reused if the reused case is shared with the user.

Case Author: access like the full control version, but only for cases that are not added to any activity. Once added to an activity, the Case Author privilege no longer provides access to editing.

Data Entry

Open-Ended Question Scoring Data Entry: access to set and modify scores for open-ended question responses via the Open-Ended Question Scoring (OEQS) tool in the activities shared with the user.

FON Data Entry: access to fill out the FON part of the case(s) shared with the user while watching the live or recorded encounter in Live View or Video Review mode respectively. (Access to learners is controlled via in Assignments at each activity.)

Observer: access to fill out the SP Performance Assessment parts (parts of SP section created for observers and, if any, specific SPPA sections) for activities shared with the user. (Access controlled via settings on the Activity Reporting Setup page.)


User Manager: access to user accounts that belong to a group shared for editing with the this user or shared with all users; can create, modify or delete groups and users.


Report Reviewer: access to Group Performance and Individual Performance Reports for activities shared with the user. No access to Test Activity Management and raw export reports (SP Performance Assessment and Review, Mean Daily Performance Review, Activity Snapshot, Raw Data Export, Codebook and Raw Score Export reports). (Access controlled via Assignments or the Report Reviewer Access Control settings within the Report Availability panel of the Activity Reporting Setup.)

Report Reviewer (full control): access to all reports in activities shared with the user, to Activity Reporting Setup. No limitation by Assignments settings (Activities module).

Anonymous Report Reviewer: access limited to reviewing Group Performance and Individual Performance reports, no editing possible, and only ID numbers are displayed. (Access controlled via Assignments or the Report Reviewer Access Control settings within the Report
Availability panel of the Activity Reporting Setup.)

Learner History / SP Activity: access to the history of students and the SP Activity panel of SPs shared with the user. As opposed to the Report Reviewer, this privilege is not related to activity access, therefore the relevant group of users (to which the access is needed) has to be shared at a 'Read and Write' level with the faculty group containing the user with this privilege.

Central Server Manager: relevant where there is a Central Server; access limited to the Central Server tab of the System module.

IMPORTANT: In case of most privileges, the scope of access granted is also limited by the Share settings, i.e. users can only carry out their role if the group/ case/ activity in question is shared with them at a as 'Read and Write' level .

NOTE: All privileges with access to rooms - depending on participant groups, assignments and sharing - can access all idle rooms.