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The page explains how to add Cases to Sessions inside the Standardized Patient Administration module.

After creating Sessions inside a Cast sheet, you can add Cases to request and confirm selected SPs.

Cases in SPA can be easily tailored to the various patient scenarios of your training center: you can import the requirements of existing Cases from your Cases library or add a custom subject to fill in SP search requirements as needed when recruiting SPs
After adding a Case, you can choose between two subject options:

The duration of each Case (encounter) is in line with the start and end date of the Session the appointment was added to.

Your selected SPs will receive requests via the SPA Mobile Application, indicating the time and date of the Session, with the Case title or the Custom subject in the subject:

  1. Click +Add Case inside a Session. 

    You will be presented with a Case drop-down, with no Case selected by default.

  2. Select a Case from the drop-down or add a Custom subject.

    Add Cases to Import Case Requirements

    1. To add Cases to a Session, open the drop-down.
    2. Search among the existing Cases using the quick search bar.

    3. Click on a Case to add it.  Your settings will be automatically saved once you have selected a Case from the list.


      The Case requirements of the selected Case will be imported and can automatically be applied as Filters by a flip of a switch on the Recruit SP popup:


Adding a Custom Subject 

You can add a Custom Subject to an encounter if you want to describe it unrelatedly to a Case. The title of the custom subject will appear as part of the requests SP receive in their SPA mobile application.
Also, the custom subject description will be added to the Details section of the SP requests

  1. Open the Case drop-down.
  2. Select the "Custom Subject" item from the top of the list.

    When using the Custom Subject feature, the Case Requirements option will not be available for recruiting SPs.

  3. Click on the blue pencil icon    to edit the subject and to create a Custom Subject.

  4. Add a new title and description to your Custom subject. 

  5. Click Save to have your Custom subject and its details added.

Once you have added your Cases to a Session, you can start sending requests to selected SPs with the Recruit SP feature.