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After receiving feedback from requested SPs about their availability, you can finalize the SP recruitment process by confirming SPs to patient scenario Sessions.

With SP Confirmation you notify SPs in the SPA Mobile Application that they were approved for the Sessions they made themselves available for.
Once confirmed for a Case within a Session, SPs must arrive and portray the patient scenario at the provided time and date unless they cancel their confirmed appointment.  

In the current version of the SPA Moblie Application, SPs can decline their confirmed appointments right until the start of a session. 
Since this could lead to difficulties in finding a new SP and/or rescheduling the Session, please consult your SP coordinator before declining the appointment at such short notice.

Go through the Cases in your Cast sheets to see if anyone has responded to the requests you have previously sent.
You can spot available SPs right at the Case without needing to enter the Recruit SP tab: 

You can spot available but not yet confirmed SPs straight away, displayed in grey tags at Cases. The same SPs are displayed with Accepted status in the Recruit SP tab.

Click on one or more names to activate the Confirm button and start SP confirmation

Preventing Scheduling Conflicts

The SPA module does not let you book an SP for a Case if the SP has already been confirmed for another overlapping or concurrent date.

You will be warned about conflicting dates by highlighting the SP's name in yellow and marked with . You can have the reason for conflict displayed in a yellow bubble by hovering over the SP's name.
You will not be able to select this SP for confirmation and your changes will not be saved unless you select another SP that is free.

This restriction applies to Cases inside the same Session or outside the current Cast sheet.

See how to withdraw confirmed status from SPs in case of Conflicting appointments.

Entering the Confirmation dialogue, you will see the SPs listed you are about to confirm.

Upon confirming the selected SPs, their appointment will be moved from Pending to the Confirmed tab for the selected SPs in their SPA Mobile application:

You can view confirmed SPs at the Case,  highlighted in blue:

You can also open the Recruit SP tab to view their status:

In case you want to withdraw the date confirmation from any confirmed SP, select them and return to the Confirmation dialog:

CAE SPA Mobile App

The appointment will be moved back to the Pending tab in the SP's user account in the SPA Mobile app.

The Confirmed status can be withdrawn and granted again at any time.