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After having added Cases (simulated patient scenarios) to Sessions within your Cast sheets, continue with sending requests to selected SPs from inside your center management system.

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Notifying SPs about open simulated patient positions only takes you a few steps with our simplified SP Recruitment process. After sending requests, review the availability status of each SP you have invited.

Go to a Case, and click the + Recruit SP button to open the Recruit SP tab.

The pop-up is divided into three parts, Filters, Results and Responses:

  1. Filters

    Add search criteria by switching on Case requirements, or set up filters manually to find the best SP candidates for the scenario.
      How to Edit Case Requirements

  2. Results

    Upon filtering your user database, the second column will list every SP who met the applied search criteria. Then you can select SPs from the list to send them requests to take part in the simulated patient scenarios.

  3. Responses

    In the last column, you can view every SP who was sent a request. Also, their current status is displayed in the Recruitment Status column. 

    You can sort SPs by alphabetical order or recruitment status using the arrows next to each column header.

    SP requests can have the following Response statuses:

    SP Response Statuses

    The request has been sent to the SP, but the SP has not shared their availability yet.The SPs may or may have not viewed the notification on their mobile phones yet.

    The SP has accepted the request and is ready to be confirmed for the Case by one of the SP coordinators.The SP's name is displayed in grey in Session view at the Case.

    An SP coordinator has approved the accepted request. The SP's name turns to blue and gets ticked in Session, at the Case.

    The SP has declined the request.If necessary, the SP coordinator can send a request repeatedly to SPs who have initially declined the request.

    The Confirmed status can be withdrawn and granted again at any time.