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Special Sections serve as a tool to score free-worded textual responses using questionnaires: OEQS users grant scores by answering a set of objective-type questions that are designed to analyze responses.

The Questionnaire grading method is one of the three grading methods used in LearningSpace to score free-worded responses submitted to Open-ended questions. (See How to Set Up Questionnaire Scoring.)

  • Created by: Case Author, Case Author (full control), the user in charge of Case content management.
  • Filled out by: Faculty member user with OEQS privilege, during Open-Ended Question Scoring.

Assembling Questionnaires 

The Special Section part of each Case is intended for creating 'scoring questionnaires'. With the help of scoring questionnaires, OEQS users can score textual responses by answering objective-type questions in the OEQS module.

Basic concepts to keep in mind when setting up Questionnaire scoring:

Applicable Questions Items

In order to create scoring questionnaires, objective-type questions need to be included in the Special Section, such as

  • multiple-choice
  • radio button
  • true or false
  • checkbox 
  • text items

Text items added to Special Sections can only be set up as Not Scored question items.  

See more about Case question types under Items.

Editing Special Sections 

  • Each Special Section question item needs to contain responses that were created with the intention of analyzing the textual responses provided by learners:

  • Each answer option needs to be granted a point value:

  • Multiple questionnaire Sections can be set up inside a Special Section of the same Case by placing scoring questionnaires into different Sections.
  • Questionnaire Sections need to be assigned to an open-ended question inside a regular checklist: 

    First the Case and then the Special Section inside the selected Case has to be specified when setting up the Questionnaire scoring method for a question item. 

Grading Using Questionnaires in the OEQS Module

Every question item of a selected Special Section is displayed alongside the open-ended question the Section has been assigned to. 
When grading, the OEQS user can score textual responses by answering the questionnaire displayed beside the selected open-ended question:

What Happens When Score Values Are Reset in In-Use Special Sections?

Resetting the Score Values of an In-Use Special Section

Scores are NOT automatically recalculated for question items that have been scored by the Questionnaire method when the point values of the Special Section used for scoring are modified after score submission. 

If, for any reason, the point values are modified in a Special Section inside the Case Content manager:

and the modified Special Section has been assigned to one or more open-ended questions before:

and the open-ended questions have already been scored, the submitted scores are not automatically adjusted to the newly defined point values.

In this case, OEQS graders have to resubmit their scores inside the OEQS module for every question affected by their Special Section changes in order to recalculate scores and produce accurate results in reports: 

The Scoring panel retains the most recent answers submitted to a questionnaire, so OEQS graders only have to resubmit their answers to recalculate scores.

For further information, visit our Case Manager and Cases - How to pages, or watch our Case Manager Training Videos.