System manager enhancements

"Delete videos older than" field 

Within System Manager General tab, the "Delete videos older than" field has changed to a custom value setter field:

From now on, by using the Delete video recording(s) older than specified hereby option, video recordings can be set to be deleted within a specific period of time  ('Delete after __ day(s)' ),  or to 'Never delete'.

The system permanently deletes any video files that are older than the specified age in days.

For more information go to Schedule Actions, Deleting a Recording and  How to Protect Recordings from Being Deleted.

Device Name field for Wireless Bridges

From this release on, Device Name can be added to wireless bridges for easier detection and distinction.

The Wireless Bridge Settings pop-up can be opened via the Controls cogwheel .

Here, Device Name can be added to wireless bridges and they can be connected to available wireless networks:

IMPORTANT: Pressing Connect will not save modified Device name (if Save is not pressed prior to that).

Learn more under How to Connect Simulators.

Korean Language Support

From this release on, Korean language is also supported within CAE LearningSpace.

Once Multiple languages support is enabled under the Local Settings of System manager, Korean can be selected as default language from the respective dropdown:

Korean language can be selected for individual users in the New user/Edit user pop-up as well:

Also, users can modify their language settings individually, within User account settings (opened by pressing the downward arrow next to the user name in the right upper corner of the screen).

Dashboard displayed in Korean language: