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The System icon on the Dashboard navigates to the General tab of the System Manager

The General tab contains setting options that are recommended to use along with further options to set up your system according to your preference.

Important - Autosave in System

Settings can be saved in the System module by

  • switching to any other tab,
  • returning to the Dashboard

What You Can Find on This Page



Scroll on the General tab in case some checkboxes are not visible.

Recommended settings

Institution name

Fill out the Institution name field to customize your LearningSpace login page.
The text you enter in this field will appear above the login fields of your LearningSpace login page.

Master password

Enter a Master password if you would like to appoint certain users with full access to the profiles of every user registered in your system. For instance, if any user gets blocked from the system for failed password attempts.
(info) Type in your password in the first field then confirm it in the other field right next to it.

Password Requirements

Passwords must be at least 8 characters long and must contain at least one of each of the four character categories listed below:

  • Uppercase characters (A-Z)
  • Lowercase characters (a-z)
  • Digits (0-9)
  • Special characters (~!@#$%^&*_-+=`|\(){}[]:;"'<>,.?/)


Exercise discretion when sharing the master password and delegating users to have access to every account registered in your system.

Further settings

Click on each link to display more information along with additional links to about- and how-to pages.

Demo Users

The Demo Users function is for educational purposes—to help demonstrate the functionalities of the system during trainings.

Demo users need to be activated manually by the Activate demo Users for today button, and will get automatically de-activated during the nightly maintenance every day.

See more at How to Activate Demo Users.

Video Warning Message

Use the Video warning message field e.g. to provide information to your learners about how your institution is using the video recordings the learners or their peers are featured on.

System Storage Details

The Show System Storage Details button shows you details about your storage usage.

Annotation Settings

You can save preset annotations with the Annotation Settings option. 

Activity Types

Activity types are categories that you can apply—define for an entire activity in the Basics tab— to mark every activity related event with the selected type and colour.

External Calendar API Endpoint

By activating the External Calendar API Endpoint toggle, users can process events using their software integration components and work with the event information in any way they desire: e.g. forward them to external calendar applications.

Forgotten password message for LDAP users 

If you log in your users to LearningSpace with LDAP authentication, you can use this field to inform users what to do in case they forgot their password.

Schedule Actions

Tell the system when to perform certain actions according to other actions:

Delete video recording(s) setting

Determine after how many days the system should delete saved recordings automatically (if at all), by using the Delete video recording(s) older than specified hereby option.  The system permanently deletes any video files that are older than the specified age in days.

The two options are:

  • Never delete

  • Delete after __ day(s)

The automatic deletion schedule does not apply to locked videos.


Make sure to always lock the recordings you want to keep because once a recording is deleted, it cannot be recovered.

Recent Activities

Define the number of days while an Activity counts as a Recent Activity. This value determines which Activity is dispalyed as recent(ly closed) under current Activities on the dashboard.
Also, the Recent activity filter can be applied in Advanced Scheduling and on the Recent Usage Tab of Resources.

Request password change

Set up after how many days your users should change their passwords.  Your users will receive a password change request once the period expires.

Scheduling Time Threshold

Define how many minutes you can schedule new events before and after existing events. Find out more about Scheduling Time Threshold.

General Settings Checkboxes

Select any additional general settings checkbox as desired:

  • Use low latency SPlayer
    By enabling this option, your browser will switch to SPlayer from QuickTime in case you are using Firefox, Internet Explorer or Safari.

    IMPORTANT:  This option is already outdated, it is only relevant in case of earlier versions of LearningSpace, when utilizing non-HTML5 compatible cameras. Currently, the only supported browser is Google Chrome.


    Find out about supported browsers at our Workstation Computer Requirements page.

  • Enable cookie-based station authorization
    In an environment e.g. with no static IP reservation, the IPs of devices can change which means that the system would eventually fail to identify the already configured computers or tablets.
    By selecting this option, the system will remember configured workstations by the cookies placed in their browser instead of the IP-addresses of the workstations.

  • Enable card-based login for Hallway stations
    By selecting this option, users will be able to log in to the system on any Hallway station, by swiping/scanning their ID Card that contains the Card ID registered within the system for the respective user.
    Learn more at How to use Card-based Login.

The Card ID cannot be longer than 127 characters - otherwise the following error message will be displayed: 

  • Request password change at first login
    When users log in to the system the first time, they will be required to reset their password.

  • Show SP and FON names on video review
    If the checkbox is selected, both SP and Faculty (FON) columns will be displayed in the List View of the Video Review module containing the names of SPs and FON Data Entry users who are featured on or contributed to each recording.

  • Show simulator names on video review
    If the checkbox is selected, a column will be displayed in the List View of the Video Review module containing the names of the simulators used in each recording, if any was connected.

  • Enable video review for SPs
    If the checkbox is selected, SPs can review recordings about themselves.

    Only those SPs can access recordings who were assigned manually by the Record control panel or automatically by Advanced Scheduling to a video recording
    SPs who only submitted the SP checklist of the learner featured on the recording will also have their name appear on the recording in the SPs column. However, if the SP was not featured on (added to) the recording, the SP will not have access to view the recording.

  • Mute audio when Privacy Mode is on
    By applying this checkbox, when SP switches on Privacy Mode on their workstation, not only the camera feed will be disabled, but the room will be muted too.

QR Code Label size

QR-codes are automatically generated once an item is created in the Catalog of your Inventory manager. QR codes then can be printed and placed on the physical items when stocking up. 
Also, once you make a user a Transaction Assignee, the system automatically generates a printable QR-code for these users so that they can easily identify themselves when picking up or bringing back equipment.

The label size of the QR Codes can be modified under the General tab of the System manager.


Find step-by-step guides for System manager related processes on our System - How to pages.

  • No labels