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Station: a specific computer that can be linked to a room and be used for data entry by any designated participant of an Activity. The computer is to be added to the system on the Stations tab.

'Stations in Advanced Scheduling' is a different concept with CAE LearningSpace: those 'Stations' are rooms assigned to events where a single Case can be run and completed. Learn more on the Advanced Scheduling pages.

Adding Your Computer as a Station

To add your computer to the system as a Station, click the Add This Computer button that prompts the Station Manager to open. Here you can add your computer, determining what type of station it is to be used as.

Computers are identified by IP address. When already added, the computer used is distinguished by bold letter type and light blue highlight. 

Types of Stations

  • Hallway station: serves as a station for the learners; they can use that computer for filling out Pre- and Post-Encounter checklists.
  • In-room station: computer for the SPs to use for completing the SP-related parts of a Case.
  • Additional station: used for automatic upload of third-party simulator data log; can be used for setting up Get Placard and Today's Activities options.

Once a computer is added as a station, the type can be modified by clicking the checkmarks in its row to enable/disable it as a certain type of station.

Deleting a Station

To delete a station, tick its checkbox (select the item) and then click the Delete button.

See related information on the How to Configure Stations and How to Assign a Station to a Room pages.

Functions of an Additional Station

Placard - serves as a replacement for the paper-based information on doors, such as the name of the current and upcoming learners, the name of the activity and case running in that room, the detailed case description (as provided in the relevant field of the Edit Case pop-up window) and a red dot if any recording is ongoing in the room

Today's Activities - display of the list of activities that have currently running (i.e. on a given day) events scheduled


Assigning a decoder to a station facilitates a low-delay display of the camera with PTZ functions via a separate monitor.

Find step-by-step guides for System manager related processes on our System - How to pages.