Setting Up the SP Performance Assessment Checklist

The SP Performance Assessment method consists of evaluating the performance of the SP. It can be applied as a complementary method for the Inter-rater Agreement measurement.

The SP Performance Assessment Checklist cannot be applied on its own. The Inter-rater Agreement method has to be set up beforehand every time.

General Conditions

Conditions for Live Observation

  1. Meet the General Conditions of the setup.
  2. Have the Activity, Case, learner and SP added to a room in Recording.
    An Activity and Case can be added either manually to the room, or with RNSA setup, or by a scheduled event.
  3. Have one of your video control users or automatic recording controls (user-action triggered or timeslot structure video control) launch the recording in the room.

  4. Make sure that the observed SP fills out and submits the SP checklist of the portrayed Case on the learner featured on the video recording.

The Observer user can now access the Live Observation of the SP under the Data Entry Tools by selecting the Activity.

Conditions for Post-Encounter Observation

  • Meet the General Conditions of the setup.
  • Have a saved video recording with the name of the learner performing the Case and the name of the observed SP. 
  • Make sure that the observed SP filled out and submitted the SP checklist of the portrayed Case on the learner featured on the video recording.

The Observer user should have access to the Post-Encounter Observations of the Activity under the Data Entry Tools by selecting the Activity.
After selecting the Activity, the Observer should see the video recording, the SP checklist, and the SPPA checklist displayed.

No encounters to observe? Check the Observation Requirement set up for the Activity in the Activity's Reporting Setup to manage the number of encounters eligible for observation.