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This page explains the features available on the Basics tab of an Activity. 

For the step-by-step guide on how to set up an Activity, see How to Create an Activity.

After creating a new Activity, you are brought to the Basics tab of the Activity editor. Here, you can add the basic information of the Activity such as its time range, assign Cases, etc.

Activity Title

First off, name your new Activity. The field is required to continue. 

Start and End Dates

Every Activity runs throughout the time range that the Start and End dates determine.
Start and End dates are required to start working on your new Activity.
Activity-related routines are only available between the Activity's start and end dates, such as:

  • event scheduling,
  • live video recording of learner-SP encounters, 
  • data entry on Cases. 
(info) Find setup instructions at How to Set Up Start and End Dates.

Case Assignment

Here, select the Cases you want your learners to complete within a specific Activity. 

Alternate Cases

Alternate Cases are multiple Cases grouped together. They are similar to elective subjects: only one Case is compulsory for learners from a group of alternate Cases.
Group two or more Cases together to create Alternate Cases

(info) Go to How to Assign Cases for setup details.

The Evaluation Case

The Evaluation Case is a checklist for collecting learner feedback about the Activity that the learners completed.
As a follow-up to the Activity, the Evaluation Case can be sent out to learners with the Evaluation e-mail option, which is available in the Emails tab. 
You can put together the Activity evaluation checklist within the Case content editor of any Case, at the Case Evaluation part.

(lightbulb)Tip: It is best to create an evaluation Case within a Case that was created exclusively for Activity evaluation purposes.

(info) Go to How to Set Up and Apply an Evaluation Case for more details.

Manage Cabinets

At Cabinets, you can move your Activity from one cabinet to another or add it to multiple cabinets.(info) Go to How to Create a New Activity Cabinet for more details.

Activity Type

Select the type of the Activity from the Type drop-down or create a new type.
Activity types are automatically color-coded by the system. The color of an Activity will mark every related event blocked off in the Calendar.
(warning) Custom Activity types can only be deleted in the General tab of the System Manager module.

Client Resource Usage Log

Select a department or an external client to allocate any Activity-related resource usage back to them.(info) Go to the Resource usage tab page for more details.

Video Start and Stop Triggers

Select video start and stop conditions: select a user-action from each drop-down that will automatically control video recording in the room the Activity is added to.(warning) User-action-controlled video recording works in a particular setup as explained here.  

General Note for Every Participant

You can add notes to the Activity in the Notes field. The notes will be visible to the participant of the Activity, during data-entry. 

For more information, visit our Activity - How to pages and view our Activity Manager Training Videos.