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Available to users with Activity Manager privilege or Admins.

  1. Go to Activities.
  2. On the right, click the +New button at the top of the Activities pane.
  3. The Edit Activity window pops up. → By default, you are brought to the Basics tab of the new Activity.
  4. Continue with setting up the basic properties of the Activity.

Manage the basic settings of your Activity:

  1. Name the Activity (Basics tab)
    Enter the name of the new Activity in the Activity title field.

You are not able to switch between the tabs of the Edit Activity pop-up until you name your new Activity.
Once the name of the Activity is saved, a link leading to Advanced Scheduling appears in the top right corner of the editing window.

NOTE:  Users with only Activity Manager privilege cannot perform any actions in Advanced Scheduling.

Proceed with the following steps to complete Activity setup:

(lightbulb) Make good use of other Activity features as well:

ActionTabRelated Help site pages
  • Select video start and stop conditions
Basics tabHow to Set Up User-Action-Controlled Video Recording
  • Create and send Emails to the participants of the Activity

Emails tab

How to Create Generic Emails
  • Assign an Evaluation Case to the Activity to collect feedback from learners
Basics tabHow to Set Up and Apply an Evaluation Case
  • Use the Evaluation email option to send out the evaluation checklist to learners

Emails tab

How to Create Evaluation Emails

  • Manage Cabinets: move your Activity from one cabinet to another or add it to multiple cabinets.
Activities module, Cabinets panel

How to Create a New Activity Cabinet

How to Delete an Activity Cabinet

  • Select the type of the Activity from the Type drop-down or create a new type. 

Basics tab

How to Specify Type of Activity

Activity types are automatically color-coded by the system. The color of an Activity will mark every related event blocked off in the Calendar.

  • Manage which Faculty member or Learner evaluates which learner(s)
Assignments tabHow to Create Evaluator-Evaluee Subgroup Assignments
  • Restrict data entry or Activity-access options
Options tabOptions tab

For further information, visit our Activity Manager, Activity - How to pages and view our Activity Manager Training Videos.